(English version only)
Security Associates Ltd, its employees, representatives and associates provide the Information as general information. Security Associates Ltd, its employees, representatives and associates do not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the currency, accuracy, correctness, reliability, usability, or any other aspect, of the Information nor of Information provided by others to Security Associates Ltd and presented on this website, nor of material provided by others and accessed from this site using links or connections to their websites. A user accepts his/her sole responsibilities and all risks for using such Information. Security Associates Ltd does not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise as a result of using this website or any of the Information therein.
Copyright in information presented on Security Associates Ltd’s website including but not limited to literary works, artistic works, photographs and computer programs (“Information”) resides with Security Associates Ltd. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under Hong Kong Copyright Legislation, no part of the information may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever.
Any copy of the Information which is downloaded or printed for private use, private study, research, criticism or review, must not be republished on the Internet or in any other form. Such information must not be changed and no part of any copyright notice attaching to the Information may be removed.
No warranty is made that the material on this website is free from computer viruses or other defects.
Trademarks (if applicable) appearing on this website are trademarks of Security Associates Ltd and may not be copied, downloaded, reproduced, modified, or distributed in any way or used as meta-tags for another website or to attract users to any other website by any other means.
Privacy Policy
Security Associates Ltd understands and appreciates that visitors/users may be concerned about their privacy and about the confidentiality and security of information Security Associates Ltd may gain about them. Security Associates Ltd is committed to protecting visitors/users’ privacy.
Information collected
Generally speaking, Security Associates Ltd collects information about users (including personal information about individual delegates of users) from database update forms and registration forms so the type of information which Security Associates Ltd collects about users and delegates will depend on how members use the services offered by Security Associates Ltd.
Use and disclosure of information
Personal information which a member supplies is collected by Security Associates Ltd for use in connection with conducting its business. Such uses include matters related to the processing of user forms, the provision of products or services, and system administration. Information provided in surveys that are conducted from time to time is generally used for statistical purposes. Security Associates Ltd will not disclose personal information concerning a user or a delegate to parties outside of Security Associates Ltd, other than for a purpose made known to a user and to which a user has consented. Please note that the information provided by users may be disclosed to Security Associates Ltd’s agents, contractors or third-party service providers who provide administrative, telecommunications, computer or other services to Security Associates Ltd in connection with the operation of its business and who are under duties to Security Associates Ltd to keep such information confidential and secure.
Security Associates Ltd maintains strict standards and security procedures to prevent unauthorized access to users’ and delegates’ personal information and to ensure the correct use of information.
Users’ access to information
Security Associates Ltd will always try to maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date information regarding users and delegates. There are procedures in place which facilitate amendments and verification of personal information. If a person thinks that their personal information which is retained by Security Associates Ltd may require changing or updating, they should contact Security Associates Ltd. Security Associates Ltd will then take all reasonable steps to correct the information so that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date.
If a person has a complaint regarding the way in which their personal data are being handled by Security Associates Ltd, they should contact Security Associates Ltd in the first instance. If the parties are unable to reach a satisfactory solution through negotiation, the person may wish to request an independent person to investigate the complaint such as the Privacy Commissioner.
Securty Associates expresses its greatest thanks to those contributors to the core, theme and other elements of this WordPress site, and as well the royalty-free images from Pixabay:
Victoria Harbour by Alp Cem, Tsing Ma Bridge by Kanenori, Global Network by Pete Linforth , Bianry Security by Gerd Altmann , Security Alarm by Elchinator, Secuirty Inspection by Eduardo Nuñez ;
How to contact Security Associates Ltd (SA)
If a person has any questions or requires feedback about the notices or website contents, he/she should contact info@secu-as.com.